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The Lose Your Snooze is the worlds first snoozeless alarm clock. Hitting the snooze button has been shown to have negative effects on your health, why would you want that? Wake up on time, the first time.
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Step 1
The alarm begins to ring at the set time.
Step 2
The clock has no controls and cannot be shut off until it reaches the base station.
Step 3
The clock must be walked to the base station which should be set in a remote location such as the restroom, next to the coffee machine, or in the home office.
Step 4
When the clock reaches the station, the alarm disables. At this point you have already started your day!
Waking up this way has been shown to release cortisol (the stress hormone) which leads to stress and weight gain!
Retrain Your Brain – Be consistent! It’s time to retrain your circadian rhythm. Your body relies on cortisol and melatonin to know when to wake up and go to sleep.
Wake times and sleep times rely on each other? The time your body gets tired naturally relies on when (and how) you wake up in the morning!
Early testers reported more energy, clearer minds, more focus throughout the day, and falling asleep faster at night!
When we snooze, we are disrupting the REM sleep — or dream sleep — which is a restorative sleep state. Not only is that 5-to-10-minute snooze time not long enough to return to restorative sleep, but the disruption can trigger a response that increases your blood pressure and heartbeat. Hitting the snooze button is also not the best way for our minds to begin the day. We add to our stress by starting our morning in a fight with our alarms, where we eventually concede defeat.
We’re launching soon. Get an exclusive discount by signing up now!